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INSEARCH -2021: 7th International Integrative Research Conference on Governance in Society, Business. The Main Theme: Pandemic Challenges and Changes... Read more...
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Content of Journal of Governance and Innovation
Changes in Social Safety Net to ensure Governance in Bangladesh
Contribution of HEQEP in Ensuring Quality Education at Higher Level in Bangladesh: A Political Economy Perspective
Information and Communication Technology in Education: Challenges and Solutions For Bangladesh
Softy an Affordable Healthcare Product for Low Paid Female Workers at Readymade Garment Industry
Garment Administration in the Perspective of Good Governance
Present Status of Female Workers in Readymade Garment Sectors of Bangladesh
Productivity, not production: To grow in global market n eeds globally practiced Management
RMG Sector Risk Management and Social Compliances in Bangladesh
Voice of Development and Trajectories of Governance: The Changing Role of Civil Society, emergence of Social Capital and the West Bengal Politics (2007-2017)
Decentralised Governance and Service Delivery in India
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