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INSEARCH -2021: 7th International Integrative Research Conference on Governance in Society, Business. The Main Theme: Pandemic Challenges and Changes... Read more...
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Content of Journal of Governance and Innovation
Public-Private Partnership in Rural Development: Experience of Rural Development Academy, Bogura
Election of the Local Government Bodies with Party Identity: Bangladesh Perspective
An analysis of fiscal autonomy of local government in Bangladesh: Challenges and potentials
Energy Laws of Bangladesh: Calling for Collaboration to Treat in Amenability with the Standard of Acceptance and Application
Effectiveness of Judiciary in Bangladesh: A Study of Good Governance (2001-2006)
Does Corporate Governance Affect the Efficiency of a Firm: A Study of Companies Listed in Nifty CPSE Index
EFL Teachers and Learners Perception of Metacognitive Reading Strategy and Academic Performance: A Survey of Undergraduate Students in Bangladesh
Implementation of Creative Question-Based Examination & Evaluation System of National Education Policy 2010
Revealed Comparative Advantage and Competitiveness for RMG Industryof Bangladesh: A Pre & Post US-GSP Suspension Analysis
Prospects of PPP Project in Bangladesh: A Study on Power Sector
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