Implementation of Creative Question-Based Examination & Evaluation System of National Education Policy 2010
<p style="text-align: justify;"><em>With globalization, the education systems around the world are constantly evolving and changing; the governance mechanism of the education system is also experiencing the wave of change. Intending to makeBangladesh's education system comply with the competitive world and more modernized, the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh adopted National Education Policy-2010. Policy implementation is a concomitant process of policy formulation, andthis particular study tried to see the progress and provide a practical insight into the implementation of National EducationPolicy- 2010. Primary data was collected from the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and Bangladesh Examination Development Unit (BEDU) of Secondary Education Sector Investment Program (SESIP) to see the implementation of strategies on the “<strong>Examination and Evaluation</strong>” part, according to the <strong>National Education Policy-2010</strong> from a governmental level. Primary data from various interest groups affected by the policy to see the differences between perception and reality. Based on the collected information, a thorough analysis was prepared. It shows that the full implementation of the policy is yet to be achieved to some extent.</em></p>
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