Information and Communication Technology in Education: Challenges and Solutions For Bangladesh
<p><em>In today’s internet-oriented modern era, we cannot imagine the fulfillment of learning process without the integration of information and communication technology in the education system. The “Vision 2021” aims at taking Bangladesh into developing, resourceful and modern economic country through the efficient and quality use of information and communication technology. Bangladesh has brought major changes in their socio-economic sectors during the last few years. The desire of making a digital country has leads Bangladesh to take a modern educational policy like the inclusion of ICT in all sectors of education. This research shows how we can change our traditional education systems by using the tools of ICT. Although the policymaker of education sector understands the importance of ICT inclusion, at the same time they are facing some challenges to cope up with this adaptation. With the expansion of ICT in education, the learning process can become easier than ever as the learner will have easy access to the IT facilities of their institutions and the world as well. This can help to reduce the gaps between the academics and practical field of work. At present most of the students are dependent on their lecture notes and reference books provided by the instructor for their learning purposes rather than ICT based education. There are lacks of awareness and utilization of ICT based services like cloud for data storage, Google classroom for an interactive session between teachers and students, Google hangout for live classes, taking online courses for obtaining the professional qualification, etc. Even though some of them have enough internet facilities in their home and universities, but they are not availing the full potential of ICT. Most of them are just used to with searching and browsing on the internet, social networking, gaming, and most often for recreational purposes. Proper usage of ICT services and multimedia contents in a classroom can substitute a traditional blackboard based system. In a word information technology can bring major changes to our traditional education system. This research comes up with a solution that how better education can be provided with proper utilization of the strength of ICT. Furthermore, what are the key challenges for the implementation of ICT in education?</em></p>
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