Productivity, not production: To grow in global market n eeds globally practiced Management
<p><em>Readymade garment industry, the game changer in post liberation economy of Bangladesh is growing up still. Being in second position in worldwide export market, barely adopting the modern manufacturing system. In the management of readymade garment industry, from first line management to top level management synchronization of understanding and adopting modern manufacturing has a tremendous gap. This sector is trying to play at global level with their level of experience from the past instead of adopting management for future. One of the very common thing to do costing, to plan and to evaluate the performance is consideration of production instead of productivity. In my last few years of working experience in this sector, I observed so many factories are even not informed about the term productivity. From early 90’s workstudy was introduced in this sector to implement the time-based management. The primary initiative was to convert the base of calculation from overall performance to head wise performance. To evaluate the performance of different sewing line in a factory use of output of per person per hour Instead of hourly or daily output number was the objective. To understand the expense to earn ratio easily, productivity was introduced as a simple tool. Later on SMV (Standard Minute Value), efficiency and others tools were introduced. But here at 2016, so many factories, their top management to first line management are not interested in and/or aware about this management. To grow in global platform, RMG sector must adopt the globally practiced system.</em><em></em></p>
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