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Content of Journal of Business Management and Compliance
Potentials of Mobile Banking: A Study from Bangladesh Perspectives
The Position of Bangladeshi Agro-based SMEs in International Market and Applicability of PPP
The Role of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh in the Development of Capital Market of Bangladesh
Behavior of Working Women on Convenience Food Buying: A Study from Bangladesh Perspectives
Determinants of Capital Structure: A Study on Some DSE Listed Corporate Firms in Bangladesh
Geography of Informal Trade, Commodity Flows and Livelihoods in Indo-Nepal Border (A case of Dhulabari, Bagdogra and Siliguri Corridor)
Exploring the Unexplored: Sustainable Development through Energy Trade between Bangladesh and India
Information Technology and Changing Practices of Management: A Study on Small and Medium Scale Industries of Bangladesh
Bureaucracy and E-government: A study of e-procurement initiatives in Bangladesh
Skill Development Challenges of Bangladesh and Korea
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