Potentials of Mobile Banking: A Study from Bangladesh Perspectives
<p><em>Mobile banking is a financial service provided by the commercial banks with the technological support from the mobile telecom operators. The growth in mobile financial services not only depends on technological advances, but also on consumer confidence in the provided services (Weber, 2010). Mobile banking has become an important phenomenon in the banking sector of Bangladesh and it is expected to grow further. The principal objective of this paper is to evaluate the potentials of mobile banking in Bangladesh. The current study has been undertaken through the combination of secondary and primary data collection. For Secondary data various research papers published in the reputed journals have been studied. On the contrary, primary data were collected during 1<sup>st</sup> July to 31<sup>st</sup> August of 2018 from 70 representative samples through convenient sampling method. From the secondary study, the factors which have been found as effective for the growth of mobile banking services in Bangladesh include easy use, user friendliness, usefulness, trustworthiness, privacy and security, assurance, speed of transaction, compatibility, pursuance, transaction cost, safe transfer of fund etc. The primary survey data and their analysis proved that there is positive correlation between the identified factors and the potential growth of mobile banking service in Bangladesh. So, to ensure further growth of this part of the banking sector secured automation with the latest and innovating technology in compliance with the provisions of banking laws in the country may be recommended so that pleasant and prevailing banking experience for the customers and greater revenue for the banks can be ensured.</em></p>
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