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Books     Social Sciences     Alternative to Female Imprisonment A Study of Public Opinion in British Society

Tahsina Akhter

Preface                                                                                                             vii

Acknowledgement                                                                                           vii

Forwarding                                                                                                       ix


Chapter 1                                                                                                        15

Introduction                                                                                                     15

Methodology                                                                                                   18

Ethical Considerations                                                                                   19

Research Design                                                                                             19

WP1: Systematic Literature Review                                                            20

WP2 : In-depth Interview                                                                              21

WP3: On Line Survey                                                                                    22

Limitations in Fieldwork                                                                               23

Map of the Book                                                                                             23


Chapter 2                                                                                                        25

Literature Review                                                                                           25

Other Focuses Behind the Research                                                            25

History of Female Imprisonment in the UK and Bangladesh                   26

Some Scenarios from Canada and United kingdom                                  27

Women Prisoners in the United Kingdom (UK)                                        28

Women Prisoners in Bangladesh                                                                  29

First Female Prison in the Country                                                              32

Gender-sensitivity as different Needs, womanhood, motherhood:        34

Studies from UK

Theories on Female Incarceration                                                                41

Importance of Public Opinion                                                                      45

Penal Populism                                                                                                45

Gauge the Level of Public Confidence                                                        45

Reducing the Mismatch                                                                                 45

Keep in Pace with Shifting Modes of Public Attitudes                             45

Factors Influencing Public Confidence in Justice                                     46

Media and Prison Literature : UK context                                                  47

Niche - where does the research stand: Explaining the focus and          48

specific statements on the research


Chapter 3                                                                                                        51

British Public Opinion Regarding Female Imprisonment                         51

Role of ‘Institutions of Socialization’ Today on the Individual’s Life: 53

British Public Opinion

Role of the ‘Family’ Today on the Individual’s Life:                               53                                                    

British Public Opinion

Role of ‘Education’ Today on the Individual’s Life:                                54

British Public Opinion

Role of ‘Religion’ Today on the Individual’s Life:                                   55

British Public Opinion

We encounter statements such as                                                                55

Role of ‘Peers’ Today on the Individual’s Life:                                        55

British Public Opinion

Role of ‘Media’ Today on the Individual’s Life:                                      56

British Public Opinion

The Role of ‘Neighbourhood/Community’ Today on the                        57

Individual’s Life: British public Opinion

Role of ‘State/Government’ Today on the Individual’s Life:                  58

British Public Opinion

Role of ‘Law Enforcement Agencies’ Today on the Individual’s Life:             59

British Public Opinion

Resettlement Issues: Views of the British Public                                      60

Responses on Gender Needs: Views of the British Public                       60

Assaults Inside the Prison: Views of the British Public                            61

‘Society’ vs. ‘Criminal Justice System’: Society Received the               61

Greater Blame

Explanation of the Don’t Know Responses (DK) of the British Public: 61


Chapter 4                                                                                                        63

Alternatives to Female Imprisonment                                                         63

Alternatives to Female Imprisonment that the ‘Family’ can Offer:        63

British Public Opinion

Alternatives to Female Imprisonment that ‘Education’ can Offer:         64

British Public Opinion

Alternatives to Female Imprisonment that ‘Religion’ can Offer:            65

British Public Opinion

Alternatives to Female Imprisonment that ‘Peers’ can Offer:                 65

British Public Opinion

Alternatives to Female Imprisonment that the ‘Media’ can Offer:         66

British Public Opinion

Alternatives to Female Imprisonment that ‘Neighbourhood/                  67

Community’ can offer: British Public Opinion

Alternatives to Female Imprisonment that ‘state/Government’                          68

can Offer: British Public Opinion

Alternatives to Female Imprisonment that ‘Law Enforcement                69

Agencies’ can Offer: British Public Opinion

Alternatives to Female Imprisonment and Public Opinion in British     70

Society: Answering the Research Question Quantitatively


Chapter 5                                                                                                        77

Winds of Change: Recommendations and Conclusion                             77


Appendices                                                                                                      81


Bibliography       91