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Books     Social Sciences     The Politics of Privatisation in Bangladesh Western Solutions, Eastern Problems


Foreword                                                                                                  vii 

Preface                                                                                                       ix 

Abbreviations                                                                                          xv


Chapter one

Introduction                                                                                            19

Privatisation: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives                     19

Politics of Privatisation: A Conceptual Framework                              34

Methodology and Data Sources                                                              47


Chapter Two

Privatisation: The Political Dynamics                                                 51

Introduction                                                                                              51

Politics and Privatisation during the Zia Era                                          53

Politics and Privatisation during the Ershad Era                                   64

Politics and Privatisation during the Khaleda Zia Era                           74

Summary                                                                                                   86


Chapter Three

Politics-Business Nexus and Privatisation                                         89

Introduction                                                                                              89

Politics-Business Relationship and Privatisation                                  89

Case Studies: Five Business Groups                                                      94

Case One: Group ‘A’                                                                               94

Case Two: Group ‘B’                                                                               95

Case Three: Group ‘C’                                                                             96

Case Four: Group ‘D’                                                                              97

Case Five: Group ‘E’                                                                               97

Presentation of Survey Findings                                                             99

Summary                                                                                                 103


Chapter four

privatisation process and the bureaucracy                                      105

Introduction                                                                                            105

Bureaucrats and Economic Policy Process                                          106

Bureaucrats and the Privatisation Process                                           108

Selection of Enterprises for Sale                                                           109

Valuation and Setting the Prices of Enterprises                                   110

Negotiation with Buyers                                                                        112

Nature and Extent of Bureaucratic Resistance                                     121

Summary                                                                                                 125

Chapter five

privatisation, politics and the organised labour unions                 127

Introduction                                                                                            127

Politicisation of Organised Labour                                                       128

Privatisation and the Extent of Labour Retrenchment                        130

Political Management of Organised Labour Unions’ Resistance       132

The Zia Era                                                                                             133

The Ershad Era                                                                                       138

The Khaleda Zia Era                                                                              148

Summary                                                                                                 156


Chapter six

Privatisation process: the role of foreign aid donors                      159

Introduction                                                                                            159

Privatisation, Successive Regimes and Donors’ Influence                 161

Privatisation Policy: Politics of Implementation                                 171

Summary                                                                                                 179


Chapter seven

Conclusion                                                                                             181


Select bibliography                                                                               199


Index          211