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Books     Social Sciences     Some Sketches of History of England and English People


Part I

History started with the Romans                                                             21


Chapter One                                                                                             21

The Country and the People                                                                   21

The Country                                                                                               21

Ethnic Origin of the people                                                                        21

Geography                                                                                                 22

The English People are a mixed nation                                                       24

The United Kingdom                                                                                  25

Ireland                                                                                                        25


Chapter Two                                                                                            26                                                                                                                      

England under the Romans                                                                     26                                                                                                                      

England as a Roman Colony (35 B.C to 410 AD)                                      26

Roman Colonial Rule                                                                                 26

Roman Governors                                                                                      26

London City                                                                                               28


Chapter Three

England after the Romans                                                                          29

Withdrawal of Roman army                                                                       29

Impact of Roman colonial rule                                                                   29


Part II                                                                                                       31

European Settlers in Britain


Chapter One                                                                                             33

Early Stages of Anglo-Saxon Settlement                                                             34

the Jutes came first                                                                                        34

Angles and Saxons came second                                                                        35

Fate of the Brythons or Britons                                                                         35

Danes came last                                                                                             36


Chapter Two                                                                                            37

Anglo Saxon England                                                                               37

Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy Kingdom of Kent                                                37

Kingdom of Northumbria                                                                           38

Kingdom of Mercia                                                                                    38

Kingdom of Wessex                                                                                      

Danish Occupation of Anglica


Chapter Three                                                                                          39

Kings of the House of Wessex                                                                 39

Egbert (802-839)                                                                                       39

Alfred the great (871–901)                                                                        39

Edward the Elder (901–925)                                                                      40

Athelstan (925-940)                                                                                   40

Edmund (940-946)                                                                                    40

Edred (946-955)                                                                                        40

Edwy (955–959)                                                                                        40

Edgar (959-975)                                                                                        40

Edward (975-979)                                                                                     41

Ethelred II (979–1016)                                                                              41

Danish Rule in England (1017-1042)                                                        41


Chapter Four                                                                                           43

Edward the Confessor (1042–1066)                                                          43

Godwing and his positon in the Royal Court

Godwin and his position in the Royal Court                                               44

Throne goes to the Family of Godwin                                                        44

Defeat of Harold and end of the Anglo-Saxon rule                                    45


Chapter Five                                                                                             46

Social Life of Anglo-Saxon England                                                        46

Anglo-Saxon Rule in England                                                                   46

Society under the Anglo-Saxon Kings Dispensation of Justice                  46

Religion in the Saxon Society (Old Paganism and Christianity)                 47


Part III                                                                                                      51

The Normaus in England                                                                         51


Chapter One                                                                                             53

The Norman Conquest                                                                               53

William the Conqueror and the King of England (1066-1087)                   54

William’s Early Troubles williams                                                             55


Chapter Two                                                                                            56

Consolidation of William’s power in England                                            56

His Feudal Policy                                                                                       56

His policy to the Feudal Lords and Barons                                                 57

Feudalism in England and that in Europe                                                      

William’s Feudal Policy                                                                                

His Policy to the Church                                                                            58

William’s Scotland and Danish Policy                                                        58

William’s France Policy                                                                             59

William’s Government and Achievement                                                   59


Chapter Three                                                                                          60

(Continuation of Norman Rule)                                                                  60

William II (William Rufus) (1087-1100)                                                   60

Early Problems of William II (Rufus)                                                        60

Rufus’ Reign                                                                                                 61

Death of William Rufus                                                                                   62

Henry I (1100-1135)                                                                                        62

His Charter with the Barons and the Church                                                        63

His quarrel with Robert                                                                                    63

Henry’s Church Policy                                                                                    63

Henry’ Rule and achievement, Stephen (1135-1154)                                             64

Reign of Stephen                                                                                        66

Changes the Norman Conquest Brought in England                                  66


Part IV                                                                                                      69

England in the Middle Age                                                                      69


Chapter One                                                                                             71

England in Medieval Age                                                                           71

Feudalism and Feudal Society                                                                    71

Lord and Vassal Relation                                                                           72

Tenants-in-Chief                                                                                        73

Knight                                                                                                        73

Feudalism and the Churchs                                                                        74

Freeman                                                                                                     74

Serfs and Slaves                                                                                         74

Good side of Feudalism                                                                             74

Feudal economy                                                                                         75

Feudal Politics                                                                                            75

Change in Warfare                                                                                     75


Chapter Two                                                                                            76

Role of Church in the Middle Age                                                              76

Pope and Papacy                                                                                        77

Pope and King                                                                                            78

Canon Law                                                                                                 79

Conflict of Investitures                                                                               79

Church as landlord                                                                                     79

The Roman Catholics and the Protestants                                                   80


Chapter Three                                                                                          81

The crusades                                                                                              81

Pope and the Crusades                                                                               81                                                                                                                      

Effect of the Crusades                                                                                84


Chapter Four                                                                                           85

Renaissance in Europe and end of the Middle Age                                     85

The fall of Constantinople                                                                          86

Renaissance in Italy                                                                                    89

Renaissance in France                                                                                90

Renaissance in Germany                                                                            90

Renaissance in England                                                                              90


Part V                                                                                                       93                                                                                                                      

England under the Plantagenet Kings                                                    93


Chapter One                                                                                             95

Henry II (1154-1189)                                                                                95

Richard I (1189-1199)                                                                               97

King John (1199-1216)                                                                              97


Chapter Two                                                                                          101

Henry III (1216-1272)                                                                             101

Edward I (1272-1307)                                                                             102


Chapter Three                                                                                        107

Edward II (1307-1327)                                                                            107

Edward III 1327-1377)                                                                            107

Hundred Years War with France                                                              109

The Black Death                                                                                       111

Development of British Parliament                                                           111

Richard II (1377-1399)                                                                            112

Peasants Revolt  of  1381                                                                         113

Truce with France                                                                                    114

Richard’s Rule and Fall                                                                            114


Part VI                                                                                                    117

England under the House of Lancaster                                                117


Chapter One                                                                                           119

Henry IV (1399-1413)                                                                             119

Henry and the Parliament                                                                         120

Henry and the Church                                                                              120

Henry V (1413-1422)                                                                              120

Suppression of the Lollards                                                                      120

Renewal of War with France                                                                    121

Henry VI (1422-1461)                                                                             122

Joan of Arc                                                                                              122

End of the Hundred years war                                                                  123

Henry’s Rule                                                                                            123

The End of the Hundred Years’ War                                                        123

The War of Roses                                                                                     124

The Second Phase of the War of Roses                                                    125

and End of the war of Roses                                                                    126


Chapter Two                                                                                          127

England under the House of York                                                         127

Edward IV(1461-1483)                                                                           127

Edward V (April 9,1483–June 25, 1483)                                                 127

Richard III (1483-1485)                                                                           127


Part VII                                                                                                  129

England under the Tudor Dynasty                                                        129


Chapter One                                                                                           131

Henry VII (1485-1509)                                                                                   131

Henry’s Reign                                                                                              131

He Curbed the Power of the Nobles                                                                  132

War with France                                                                                       133

His Dynastic Marriage Policy                                                                   134

His Trade Policy with the Continent                                                         134

His Ireland Policy                                                                                     135

Henry’s Estimate                                                                                      135

Middle Age made way for the Modern Age                                             136


Chapter Two                                                                                          137

Henry VIII (1509-1547)                                                                          137

Henry’s Continental Policy                                                                      137

Henry and Wolsey                                                                                   137

Divorce of Catherene                                                                               138

Breach with the Pope and the Church of England                                    138

Reformation in England                                                                           139

Henry’s Home Policy                                                                                    141

The Act of Succession                                                                                   141

English Navy                                                                                               141

Henry’s Wives                                                                                              142

Cromwell and Thomas More                                                                    142

Henry’s Policy towards Scotland                                                             143

Wales and Ireland                                                                                     143

Henry’s Achievements and Failures                                                         143


Chapter Three                                                                                        145

Edward VI (1547-1553)                                                                          145

Reformation after Henry VIII                                                                   145

Mary (1553-1558)                                                                                   146

Steps taken by Mary to Restore Catholicism                                             146


Chapter Four                                                                                         148

Elizabeth I (1558-1603)                                                                           148

Elizabeth and her Scotland Policy                                                            149

Catholics and Mary against Elizabeth                                                       151

Elizabeth and the Church of England                                                       152

Elizabeth’s Early Life and her Marriage Issue                                          153

Elizabeth and the British Parliament                                                         154

Elizabeth and the Spanish Armada.                                                          154


Part VIII                                                                                                 157

Chapter one                                                                                            159

The Reign of the Stuarts                                                                        159

James I (1603-1625)                                                                                160

Gun Powder Plot                                                                                      161

James’ relation with Spain and France                                                      161

Execution of Sir Walter Raleigh                                                               162

James and the Parliament                                                                          162

British Overseas Colonies                                                                         163

James’ Character                                                                                      163


Chapter Two                                                                                          164

Divine Right Theory of King                                                                   164

Charles I (1625-1649)                                                                              164

Charles’ Reign                                                                                          164

Charles and the Parliament                                                                       164

Eleven Years of Personal Rule                                                                 165


Part IX                                                                                                    167

The Civil War                                                                                          167


Chapter One                                                                                           169

Commonwealth (1649-1660)                                                                   169

Execution of Charles                                                                                170

Problems before the Charles-I Commonwealth                                        170

The Dutch War                                                                                         171


Chapter Two                                                                                          172

Cromwell and the Parliament                                                                    172

Cromwell’s Foreign Policy                                                                       173

Oliver Cromwell as the man                                                                     173

Why the Commonwealth failed.                                                               173


Chapter Three                                                                                        175

Restoration of Monarchy                                                                      175

Charles II (1660-1685)                                                                            175

Parliament and Charles II                                                                         175

Cavalier Parliament                                                                                  176

Ministry of Clarendon                                                                              176

Ministry of the CABAL                                                                            176

Ministry of the Dunby                                                                              177


Chapter Four                                                                                         178

Parliamentary Democracy                                                                     178

James II (1685-1689)                                                                               178

The Glorious Revolution                                                                          179

The Revolution of 1641 and that of 1688                                                 179

William of Orange and Mary (1689-1702)                                               180

William and the Convention Parliament                                                   181

William’s Religious Policy                                                                       182

The Cabinet Form of Government                                                            182

Parliament and the State Finance                                                              182

The Act of Settlement and Succession                                                      183

The Political Parties: Whigs and the Tories                                               183

Queen Anne (1702-1714)                                                                        184

Major events of the reign of Queen Anne                                                 185

Death of Queen Anne                                                                               186


Part X                                                                                                      187

Industrial Revolution                                                                              187


Chapter One                                                                                           189

Industrial Revolution in Britain                                                                189

Revolution in Textile Industries                                                                190

Coal and Iron Industries                                                                           191

Railways                                                                                                   192

Industrial Revolution and its impact                                                         192


Chapter Two                                                                                          194

The ideas of Liberalism                                                                            194

Idea of Socialism                                                                                      194

Marxism, Basic Principle of Marxism                                                       195


Chapter Three                                                                                        198

French Revolution and Britain                                                              198

Causes of French Revolution                                                                    198

Philosophers and Writers who inspired the Revolution                            199

Louis XVI                                                                                                200

The Fall of Bastile                                                                                    202

National Assembly converted to Constituent Assembly                            203

The Extremist took Control of the Revolution                                          204

Execution of Louis XVI                                                                           204

French Revolution and the neighboring countries                                    205

Achievement and failures of the Revolution                                             205

Rise of Napoleon                                                                                      206



Part XI                                                                                                    207

England under the House of Hanover                                                  207


Chapter One                                                                                           209

George I (1714 -1727)                                                                             209

Major events of the reign of George I                                                      210

Government of Townshend and Standhope                                             210

George II (1727-1760)                                                                            210

Robert Walpole                                                                                        210

War with Spain                                                                                        211

Ministry of Pelham and the Rise of William Pitt                                       211

Seven Years War with France                                                                  212

Result of the Seven Years War                                                                 212

Contribution of William Pitt                                                                     213

George III (1760-1820)                                                                           213

Fall of William Pitt                                                                                   214

Grandville and his Ministry                                                                      214

American War of Independence                                                               215

Causes of British Failure and its Effect                                                     216

Rockingham Prime Minister for the Second time                                     216

Ministry of Fox and North                                                                       216

Ministry of Pitt, the junior                                                                       217


Chapter Two                                                                                          218

Britain and the French Revolution                                                            218

War with France and European Coalition                                                 219


Chapter Three                                                                                        221

Problems of Ireland and the Ministry of Pitt                                             221


Chapter Four                                                                                         225

Rise of Napoleon                                                                                     225

Britain and the Napoleonic Wars                                                              226

Napoleon’s Continental System                                                               226

Peninsular War                                                                                         227

Napoleon’s Russia Campaign                                                                   227

The Crucial Hundred Days and the Waterloo                                           228

Causes of Napoleon’s Downfall                                                               228

The Congress of Vienna                                                                           228

Britain after the Napoleonic War                                                              229


Chapter Five                                                                                           230

George IV (1820-1830)                                                                           230

Some important events of the reign of George IV                                    230

Canning and Catholic Emancipation of Ireland                                        231

William IV (131-1837)                                                                            231

Parliamentary Reforms Act.                                                                     232

Provisions of the Act                                                                                233

First Reformed Parliament                                                                        233


Part XII                                                                                                   235

Victorian Age                                                                                          235


Chapter One                                                                                           237

Queen Victoria (1837–1901)                                                                  237

Her Early Problems and the Chartists Movement                                     238

Revolt in Canada                                                                                      239

Pistol shots on the Queen                                                                         239

Robert Peel                                                                                               240

Peel’s Financial Reforms                                                                          240

Peel’s Irish Policy                                                                                    240

Foreign Policy of Peel                                                                              241

Benjamin Disraeli                                                                                     242

William E. Gladstone                                                                               242

Different reforms Acts passed by the Parliament                                      243

Wars during the Reign of Queen Victoria                                                244

Expansion of British Colonial Empire                                                      245

Free Trade and Trade Union                                                                    246

Agitation for making Britain a Republic                                                   247

Character of Queen Victoria                                                                     247

Grandmother of Europe                                                                           248


Chapter Two                                                                                          249

Edward VII                                                                                              249

Conservative Balfour                                                                                249

Liberal Campbell                                                                                      249

Liberal Asquith                                                                                        250

Change in British Foreign Policy                                                              250

George V                                                                                                 251

Parliamentary Act of 1911 and Ministry of Asquith                                 251


Part XIII                                                                                                 253

The First World War                                                                              253


Chapter One                                                                                           255

Britain and the First World War                                                               255

Causes of the War                                                                                    255

The War started                                                                                        257

Germany’s Early Actions                                                                         258

Russia in the Early part of the War                                                           258


Chapter Two                                                                                          259

The United States Join the War                                                                259

Surrender of Germany                                                                             260

Final Peace Settlement                                                                              260

14 points of Woodrow Wilson                                                                 260

Some special Aspects of the War                                                              260

Result of the War                                                                                     261


Chapter Three                                                                                        262

Britain after the First World War                                                              262

Economic Distress of England                                                                 262

Irish Home Rule Issue                                                                              263

Fall of Lloyd George and his Ministry                                                     264

The Conservative Government                                                                 264

First Labour Government                                                                         265

Second Government of Baldwin                                                              265

Next Labour Government                                                                        265

The National Government                                                                        266

Death of George V and Accession of George VI                                     266

The Rise of Labour Party                                                                         267

Indian Liberation Struggle during the War                                               267

British Commonwealth of Nations                                                           270


Part XIV                                                                                                 273

The Second World War                                                                         273


Chapter One                                                                                           275

Political Scenario of Europe                                                                     275

Britain and the Second World War                                                           275

Revolution in Russia                                                                                276

Revolution in Turkey                                                                               276

Dictatorship in Spain                                                                                277

Dictatorship in Portugal                                                                           278

Rise of Fascism in Italy                                                                            279


Chapter Two                                                                                          281

Rise of Nazism and Hitler in Germany                                                     281

France was the first Target of Hitler                                                         282

The War started with Hitler’s attack on Poland                                        283

Hitler violated the Treaty with Russia                                                       284

German defeat in the Eastern Front with Rusia                                         284

Britain took a Courageous Stand                                                              284

The Great Atlantic Charter                                                                       285

Italy in the War                                                                                        285

Japan joined the War                                                                                286

The U.S.A. join the War                                                                          287

Surrender of Germany                                                                             287

Surrender of Japan                                                                                   287

Nuclear Holocaust                                                                                    288


Part XV                                                                                                   289

After the Second World War                                                                 289


Chapter One                                                                                           291

The Victors and the Vanquished                                                              291

Britain after the War                                                                                 291

France after the War                                                                                 291

The United States after the War                                                                292

Soviet Union after the War                                                                       292

Fate of the Vanquished Powers                                                                292

Trial of the War Crime                                                                             293


Chapter Two                                                                                          294

The United Nations                                                                                  294


Chapter Three                                                                                        297

Independence of India                                                                              297

Rise of Communism                                                                                 297

Cold War                                                                                                  298


List of the English Monarchs                                                                 299