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Books     Social Sciences     The Leaves of Lullaby Tree

A Preface                                                                                                         13

From My Pen                                                                                                   14

A Tribute to Tagore                                                                                         15

The Leaves of Lullaby Tree                                                                             16

The Spring I Saw                                                                                             17

The Want of the Ant                                                                                        18

The Cardo santo                                                                                               19

The Wildflowers                                                                                              20

When the Sky Fell Asleep                                                                                21

While the Hill Slept Aslant                                                                               22

The Earth                                                                                                         23

For an Errant Avenger                                                                                     24

Let Life Avail the Wonder                                                                               25

A Moonlit Night                                                                                               26

Autumn                                                                                                            27

Benison                                                                                                            28

A Vignette of a Village Girl                                                                             29

The Hanging Felani                                                                                          30

Malala                                                                                                              31

Mirsarai Cries                                                                                                   32

Our Heroes in Throes                                                                                       33

Abir Janabi                                                                                                       34

O Mother, I Owe Thee                                                                                     35

The Queen of the Night                                                                                    36

Angelica                                                                                                           37

One Goal, Two Aims                                                                                       38

In the Butterfly House                                                                                      39

My Best Rummage                                                                                           40

An Opus in the Offing                                                                                     41

A Milieu Indeed                                                                                               42

Memory                                                                                                           43

The Journey of Two Kids                                                                                44

Auld Lang Syne                                                                                               45

Where are the People of Yore?                                                                         46

Sweet was the Morning Sun                                                                             47

While in Florida                                                                                               48

As the Lakes were Smiling with Red Lotus                                                      49

A Village Called Birds’ Villa                                                                            50

Winter’s Harbinger                                                                                          51

Autumn Blossom                                                                                             52

Oh, the Colours Galore                                                                                    53

Happy were the Pair of Birds                                                                           54

Let there be Sleep in My Eyes                                                                          55

Looking for You                                                                                              56

The Privets                                                                                                       57

The Belladonna Lily                                                                                         58

Actinia Equina                                                                                                 59

The Red Munia in Cage                                                                                    60

The Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher                                                                 61

Chestnut-winged Cuckoo                                                                                 62

The Baya Weaver                                                                                             63

Common Swallow,- the Ababil                                                                        64

Going Home                                                                                                    65

The Lady in Cloud-cuckoo- land                                                                     66

A Bunch of Love                                                                                             67

When Sang the Wrens                                                                                      68

The Sand Martins                                                                                             69

The Red Bigeye                                                                                                70

A Respite                                                                                                         71

The Bird Park                                                                                                   72

Goldilocks                                                                                                        73

A Sheila of the Subtopia                                                                                  74

The Indian Pitta                                                                                                75

The Titmouse                                                                                                   76

The Black-crested Bulbul                                                                                 77

The Leafbirds                                                                                                   78

Truth and Troth                                                                                                79

While Reading the “Spring Symphony”                                                           80

Ericas                                                                                                               81

My Dhaka in the Olden Days                                                                           82

Falling in the Track of an Olden Link                                                              83

The Blue Tit Neighbours                                                                                  84

The Yellow Warbler                                                                                         85

When no more Snow                                                                                       86

Let not Give Ear to the Backbiter                                                                     87

The Leaver                                                                                                       88

The Sand Tears                                                                                                89

The Beautiful Loneliness                                                                                  90

The Quetzal Bird                                                                                              91

This was March                                                                                                92

My Friends with Steel-tipped Pens                                                                   93

A Sober Veer                                                                                                   94

It was Spring                                                                                                    95

In the Spring that Came                                                                                    96

Beauty                                                                                                              97

The Waves of Yellow                                                                                      98

The Will of Heaven                                                                                          99

Between the Buildings Rising High                                                                100

The Lollipop Lady                                                                                         101

Parrot-fashion                                                                                                102

If there was no Sin                                                                                         103

Please do not Take Me from Me                                                                     104

The Jasmines and the Adoring Lady                                                              105

The Shiulis                                                                                                     106

Popping Out                                                                                                   107

Abode                                                                                                            108

The Roses Juxtaposed                                                                                    109

The Baby in the Bin                                                                                       110

Let Soul be the Gloriole                                                                                 111

Turned Aglow                                                                                                112

The Kites                                                                                                        113

The End of an Odyssey                                                                                  114

The Chionodoxa                                                                                            115

Figment                                                                                                          116

Towards Immanent                                                                                        117

The Whispering of the Trees                                                                          118

Sensation                                                                                                        119

A Peasant and his Petite Wife                                                                         120

Image                                                                                                             121

One Late Night                                                                                               122

White                                                                                                             123

Baccalaureate                                                                                                 124

The Fisherman                                                                                               125

Camaraderie                                                                                                   126

An Oscar, So Dear!                                                                                        127

A Tip for Tulip-lips                                                                                        128

The Twilight Years                                                                                        129

The Dew of Tear                                                                                            130

Minginess                                                                                                       131

The Trail of Praise                                                                                          132

The Devil Got Comforting Devil to Pay                                                         133

A Pair of Lotuses                                                                                           134

With Endless to Eternity                                                                                 135

Life                                                                                                                136

If Life is an Endless Span                                                                               137

The Canary and the Three                                                                              138

The Aracan Beauty                                                                                         139

The Days in YMCA                                                                                       140

The Poor Little Lad                                                                                        141

The Labour Piled High                                                                                   142

Peace                                                                                                              143

Leaves of Cloud                                                                                             144

The Cranes                                                                                                     145

The Urchins                                                                                                   146

Looking for Her                                                                                             147

Bathed in Moonlight                                                                                      148

The Cadbury Baby                                                                                         149

The Merry Old Lady                                                                                      150

The Grain                                                                                                       151

The Pair of Glasses                                                                                        152

My Watch                                                                                                      153

Her Balcony in Grace                                                                                     154

A Memory in the Nest                                                                                    155

Greed                                                                                                             156

While in the Pink                                                                                           157

The Dark Beauty of Johannesburg                                                                 158

The Greens in Ellisville                                                                                  159

The “Sky Town”                                                                                            160

Looking for the Clue                                                                                      161

A Penman’s Wondered Awe                                                                          162

Doubt                                                                                                             163

Rout                                                                                                               164

The Trades I Made                                                                                         165

A Wish                                                                                                           166

A Dream                                                                                                        167

The Portrait                                                                                                    168

The  Portrait and a Stranger                                                                            169

The Songbird                                                                                                 170

For a Stellar Stay                                                                                            171

Pillowing on My Pillow                                                                                 172

The Days                                                                                                        173

A Thought Remade                                                                                        174

A Ballad of My Salad Days                                                                            175

A Game Called Cricket                                                                                   176

My Brand New Shoes                                                                                    177

Redolent of My Dreams                                                                                 178

A Thingamajig                                                                                               179

The Pretty-pretty Two                                                                                    180

Humanity Winning a Trillion Trust                                                                181

My Heart is there Where She was Before                                                       182

The Svelte Widow                                                                                          183

A Momentary Stay                                                                                         184

Pell-mell Tales                                                                                                185

Late                                                                                                                186

When?                                                                                                            187

My First Amour                                                                                             188

A Memento of the Past                                                                                   189

29 Banagram Lane                                                                                         190

Waiting Alfresco                                                                                            191

The Passion Flower                                                                                        192

Let the Arrogant be Content                                                                           193

Flower-girl                                                                                                     194

Behold the Heroes                                                                                          195

Serene You                                                                                                    196

The Rhythm of the Fading Pain                                                                     197

From an Errant Alumnus                                                                               198

A Rickshaw Puller and I                                                                                199

The Rickshaw Puller                                                                                      200

The First Summer Rain                                                                                  201

On My First Gaze at the Taj                                                                           202

If My Memory was like a Sieve                                                                     203

Truth shall Make a Clean Breast                                                                     204

Dwelling Upon                                                                                              205

Waiting                                                                                                          206

Solace                                                                                                            207

Prettiness                                                                                                        208

If Not Yet Seen!                                                                                             209

The People are Falling Apart                                                                          210

Homo sapiens                                                                                                211

A Success                                                                                                       212

The Heathers                                                                                                  213

A Cheer not Inferred                                                                                      214

Love                                                                                                               215

A Sullen Few                                                                                                 216

My Moppet                                                                                                    217

The Moon and You                                                                                        218

In the Angelic Realm of My Little Gems                                                        219

My Little Dearies                                                                                            220

The Cockroach                                                                                               221

Daub                                                                                                              222

Sibling Content                                                                                              223

Oh, My Little Angel                                                                                       224

A Dream Fulfilled                                                                                          225

My Little Wonder in Merriment Vein                                                             226

My Doll, My Idol                                                                                           227

The Herald                                                                                                     228

My Sweetie is a Cutie-pie                                                                               229

With My Little Darlings in My Heart                                                             230

The Moon Knew that the Bride was You                                                       231

My Dear Little Child                                                                                      232

My Little Wonder                                                                                           233

The Weeping Willow and My Weeping Doll                                                 234

The Rose was in Flower