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Books     Social Sciences     Role of Mass Education in Political Development Bangladesh Perspective
Role of Mass Education in Political Development Bangladesh Perspective

Written By : 0

Book Code : 978-984-911

Price : 250


Preface                                                                                                           vii

Abstract                                                                                                           ix

List of tables                                                                                                  xiii   List of charts                                                                                                 xiv

List of maps                                                                                                  xiv   

Acronyms                                                                                                      xv


Chapter : 1

Introduction                                                                                                 17

Background                                                                                                   17

Statement of the Study                                                                                   17

Rationale of the Study                                                                                    19

Objectives of the Study                                                                                  23

Operational Definition of Key Concept                                                          23

Review of Literature                                                                                       27

Methodology of the study                                                                              37


Chapter : 2

Historical Perspective and the Necessity of Mass Education                    45

for Political Development 

Historical Background of the Study                                                               45

British Period (1757-1947)                                                                            46

Pakistan Period (1947-1971)                                                                         46

Bangladesh Period (1971 to Present day)                                                       48

The Necessiting of Mass Education for the Political Development                 51

Development of Political Knowledge                                                             52

Development of Own Culture                                                                        52

Development of Socio-Cultural Environment                                                52

Quick Solution of the Problem                                                                       53

Development of Political Value                                                                      53

Alleviation of Mass Illiteracy                                                                         53

Development of Own Confidence                                                                  54

Introduce Appropriate Work Policy                                                               54

Development of Political Awareness                                                              54

Increase Political Unity                                                                                  54

Increase the Responsibility                                                                             55

Improvement of Skill                                                                                     55

Necessity of Mass Education in the Political Development of Bangladesh     55

Poverty Alleviation                                                                                        55

Awareness of the People                                                                                56

Political Stability                                                                                            56

Creation of Democratic Motive                                                                      56

Development of Literacy                                                                                56

Educated Leadership at Root Level                                                                57

Constructive Criticisms                                                                                  57

Political Development of Minority People                                                      57

Development of Political Forbearance                                                            57

Role of Mass Educational Programme in Political Development                    57

Creates Willingness to Transformation                                                           58

Manifests the Power of Thought and Justification of People                          58

Earns Knowledge with Self Inspiration                                                          58

Manifestation of Social Consciousness and Unity                                          58

Teaches the People to Live in the State as Political Being                               58

Manifests a Person's Civic Rights and Duties                                                 58

Increase Work Efficiency                                                                               58

Make the People Conscious about Health and Family Planning                     59

Inspire People to Develop their Life Standard                                                59


Chapter : 3

Profile of the Respondents                                                                          61

Age of the Respondents                                                                                 61

Occupational Status                                                                                        62

Knowledge about the Elected Female Member of Union Parishad                 63

Knowledge about the Principle Policies of the Political Parties                       64

Knowledge about the Mohajot (Great Alliance)                                             65

Knowledge about Nationality of the Respondents                                          66

Knowledge about Voting Right                                                                      67

Knowledge about Consideration of Voting Subject in Election                      68

Knowledge about Political Party that is in Power                                           69

Participation in National-Day Rally                                                                70


Chapter : 4

Role of Mass Educational Programme in Political Development              71

Knowledge about the term of the UP                                                             73

Knowledge about Political Affiliation                                                            74

Knowledge about Values in Politics                                                               75

Political Participation of the Respondents                                                       76

Knowledge of Political Development                                                             77

Opinion about the Bad Impact of strike                                                          78

Impact of Mass Education on the Reading Capacity                                       79

Knowledge about Voter List with Photo                                                        80

Knowledge about Cross Voting                                                                     81

Impact of Mass Education on Political Awareness Building                           82

Impact of Leadership Capacity                                                                       83


Chapter : 5   

Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion                                             85

Summary of the Findings                                                                               86

Recommendations                                                                                          90

Conclusion                                                                                                     92

