Causes of Social Science Background Graduate Unemployment: A Study from the University of Dhaka
<p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The primary purpose of the study was to explore the causes of unemployment of social science graduates of Dhaka University. The study attempted to know the graduates’ opinions in choosing job sectors. Following the quantitative approach, a sample survey was conducted among the graduates of the social science faculty of Dhaka University. Respondents showed their interests vigorously in the government jobs, where Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) got priority, while other job sectors were hardly seen as attractive. Corruption in the recruitment process, prioritizing general rather than technical education, small job market, the oversupply of graduates, absence of job specialization, and outdated curriculum in some respects were the leading reasons for the state of unemployment found. Graduates questioned whether the education system of Bangladesh has specific goals or not, accelerating unemployment and providing poor quality education. The study will be useful for policymakers, educationists, academia, job analysts, and enthusiastic learners to know about the causes of graduates’ unemployment in Bangladesh and recommend the right policy interventions.</em></p>
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