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Empowerment of Women Representatives in Rural Local Government Institutions of Bangladesh
<p>&nbsp;<em>The overall development of a country depends upon the maximum deployment of her people including both men and women. Without the active participation and incorporation of women&rsquo;s standpoint at all levels of decision-making, the goals of equality, development and peace cannot be achieved. In fact, there is no specific and distinct responsibilities for men and women representatives mentioned in any act, ordinances or resolution of LGIs (Local Government Institutions). But women representatives have the right to perform the same activities like their male counterparts. Women representatives can play important as well as challenging roles for women&rsquo;s empowerment, their participation in decision making process and manifestation of women leadership etc. So it is important to know the pattern of women representatives&rsquo; participation in the activities of LGIs. The main objective of this research is to identify to what extent they (women) are able to enhance empowerment through their role performances in LGIs. For accomplishing the purpose of this research some important indicators have been used here to understand the empowerment situation of the women representatives. The indicators in the context are- awareness about different committees of LGI, membership in different committees, role performances in meetings, roles in overall development of women etc. The paper follows qualitative approach in nature mainly, but quantitative in some special tabulation. Data have been collected from both primary and secondary sources of related issues. Semi-structured questionnaire surveys have been applied for gathering information from women representative of Rural LGIs.&nbsp; Although there exists time and fund constrains, data have been collected covering majority areas of rural LGIs from Barisal Zila. Women representatives&rsquo; participation in meeting is the first step for them to be active in LG development activities. But in many times they can&rsquo;t because of various reasons such as, not receiving notices in due time, distances and lack of proper transport facilities etc. So it&rsquo;s time to further investigate the nature extent of role performances and women representatives of LGIs. This study may facilitate to understand the women empowerment in LGIs identifying problems as well as suggesting possible solutions in a defined manner.</em></p>
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