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Prospects of Migrant Workers to become Entrepreneurs: A Study on Six Villages of Bangladesh
<p><em>Bangladesh recently has climbed up a lower middle-income country, however still many people in the rural areas are living under the poverty line due to lack of social amenities and information.To promote the life style of these vulnerable poor family members, a significant number of people work as expatriates in different countries especially in the Middle East and send a lot of remittance in our country. Instead of investing their remittance earning through entreprenurship development they or their family members invest this remittance in the sector of consumption. In this way &nbsp;returning back after three or four years the remittance earner suffers serious money problem and then he&nbsp; again goes abroad leaving back his wife and children. This article accumulates some basic information of the remittance earners so that we can develop a guideline for developing entrepreneurship among the remittance earner families. &nbsp;Sample has been selected through simple random sampling techniques among the six villages of Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet division.</em></p>
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