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Towards Sociology of Autism: A Case Study on the Parents of Autistic Children in Dhaka City
<p><em>Autism that is a pervasive developmental disability is rapidly growing in our world today, being manifested as inability to develop normal social relationship and communication. The present study, hence, seeks to understand </em><em>autism as a social problem and its consequences on society. With this regard, a total of 240 parents of autistic children were selected for collecting data from four autistic institutions of Dhaka city using quantitative technique like structured questionnaire. In order to validate the quantitative data, qualitative technique like FGD was also employed in the study. The study finds that most of the autistic children face language and communication problem (40.83 %). The most significant problem faced by autistic children in their daily life affairs is sleeping (28.33%). The study also shows that the parents of autistic children face various difficulties especially stress in their daily lives (47.08%). In addition, 90 percent respondents opine that they are neither supported by the structural or community level nor by NGOs in order that their autistic children cannot be labeled as a burden for society. <em>The study concludes suggesting some recommendations through which autistic children can be considered to be asset instead of burden for society.</em></em><em> </em></p>
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