Human Rights Education and Realisation in India: A Case Study of NGOs
<p><em>India being a developing country, is confronting multiple social problems every day. Some of them are quiet common while comparing with other countries. Most of them are very specific to this sub continent due to the social structure, geographical locations. When we try to diagnose all these problems through human rights perspective, then those social problems become human rights issues. Even though the state agencies are trying hard to provide viable solutions to those human rights issues in a sustainable manner, the result of those efforts are not so successful due to various obvious reasons such as social structure, lack of capital resources, corruption, etc., In this context, the role of Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) become highly relevant to spread human rights education and sensitise the people to achieve a long time solution to all existing human right issues. It would be hectic task for a researcher to examine all NGOs and their valuable contributions for creating human rights awareness and sensitisation of people to understand their rights. This paper will focus on few identified NGOs and their role in promoting human rights. Positions prior to their interventions to the human rights issues and after that would be examined. Main objective of this paper is to examine the role of non state actors in changing the legal and social dimensions of human rights issues. Therefore, this paper will study the NGOs involved in sensitising Manual Scavengers with the help of some case study.</em></p>
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