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Promoting Good Governance Role of Media
<p><em>Good governance has been a key concept for democratic development in many countries around the world during the past few years. And the roles of media in promoting good governance are being recognized in various countries. Media are (mostly) the non-state actors who define themselves apart from the state and from all other societal actors (what Edmund Burke described as a &ldquo;fourth estate&rdquo;, distinct from government, church and electorate). It plays a crucial role in shaping a healthy democracy and ensuring good governs. As an importance source of information media has been functioning the role of the heart of democratic society and Good governance. It is an important assumption that the Media speaks for the people, represents the interests of the society, and serves as a check on the government. This process holds government accountable; makes visible what it is doing, so that people can judge. Good governance entails the principles of transparency, accountability and participation. Democracy is the government which rest on the active consent of the governed. As an important source of public information Media could be expected to be a vehicle to encourage the promotion of these principles of good governance.</em></p>
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