Self Reliant Village Cooperative Society at the Age of Globalisation: a case of Comprehensive Village Development Programme (CVDP)
<p><em>Comprehensive Village Development Programme (CVDP) is a rural development endeavor under village based cooperative organization. CVDP is a brainchild of Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), now it is a national project of the Bangladesh Government, which being implementing at least one Upazila (subdistrict) of 64 Districts of Bangladesh. The objective of the article was to delineate the self help approach by Comprehensive Village Development Society (CVDS) and the inspiration of its members with considerations of modus operandi, challenges despite of individualism at globalisation. The scope of the study included approaches of advocacy cum motivation for getting membership, support services at receiving ends. This paper based on authors own experience and observation in CVDP villages of BARD. The general objective of the CVDP project is to create single cooperative organization irrespective from all strata, occupations, gender of the village for organizing development efforts at the village and reduction of poverty of them. The society is formed through voluntary, spontaneous and folk solidarity of the villagers. The seven principles of cooperative are being practicing by the members of the society. It has three types of members like male, female, and children. The CVDP believes in individual’s entrepreneurship in one hand and inclusiveness of villagers on the other, motivate the members for own initiative development through training and capability improvement. Therefore CVDP provides training on various fields such as leadership, agricultural development, gender development, child rights. On the other hand CVDP arranges technical training for the youth members of the society and giving training on electrical, plumbing, refrigeration, tailoring and solar installation. CVDP links its members with the Nation Building Departments through training, participation and visit. The major motto of CVDP is to develop physical and human capital. On the other hand cooperative society buildup financial capital and offers small loans from own savings/share to the members. This project harnesses the capacity and capability of the society as well as its members. On the other hand people are showing keen interest on global labour market, business and trade. The comprehensive cooperative society patronizes its members for providing loans and information for going abroad in view of remittance earnings. CVDP has shown its capacity for achieving MDGs. With the democratic practices the poor people can be organized here through raises their voices. CVDP also knocks achieving competitiveness of its members through education and training. However the project already experienced some of the challenges like sustainability of the village society and multiplicity of development organizations with contrasts</em>.</p>
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