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Books     Business Studies     Microcredit Delivery in Bangladesh A Strategy for Poverty Eradication
Microcredit Delivery in Bangladesh A Strategy for Poverty Eradication

Written By : Fahim Muntaha

Book Code : 978-984-076

Price : 250

Fahim Muntaha

Preface                                                                                                                          iv


Chapter  1 : Introduction                                                                                     

                     Background                                                                                    13

                     Objective of the study                                                                    13

                     Methodology used                                                                          13

                     Aspects of analysis                                                                         15

                     Methodology of data analysis:                                                        16

                     Chapter design of the book                                                            17


Chapter 2 : Macroeconomic Situation                                                                

                     Introduction                                                                                    18

                     GDP, growth, savings & investment                                               19

                     Public finance                                                                                23

                     Monetary sector                                                                              26

                     Real economy                                                                                30

                     External sector                                                                                33


Chapter 3 : Financial System of Bangladesh                                                      

                     Introduction                                                                                    40

                     Central Bank                                                                                  40

                     Banks and FIs                                                                                 45

                     The Capital Market                                                                         47

                     Insurance                                                                                        49

                     MFIs                                                                                               49

                     Micro credit Regulatory Authority                                                  50       


Chapter 4 : Dimensions of Poverty in Bangladesh                                             

                     Introduction                                                                                    51

                     Measurement of the Incidence of Poverty in Bangladesh               51

                     Poverty picture of Bangladesh                                                        52


Chapter 5 :  Microcredit Situation in Bangladesh

                     Introduction                                                                                    64

                     Evolution of microfinance institutions in Bangladesh                    64

                     Principles of microcredit program                                                  66

                     Modus Operandi microcredit program                                            66

                     Strengths                                                                                         67

                     Microcredit practices                                                                      67

                     Providers of microcredit in Bangladesh                                          70

                     Microcredit programs of two specialized institutions                      71

                     Microcredit programs of three big and other NGOs                        74

                     Banks                                                                                                         79

                     Administrative units                                                                       82

                     Source of funds for Microfinance Institutions                                85

                     Criticism                                                                                         87


Chapter  6 : Impact of Microcredit Disbursement on Poverty                           

                     Introduction                                                                                    88

                     Trend analysis of microcredit disbursement                                   88

                     MFI-NGOs                                                                                     88

                     Specialized Institutions                                                                   89

                     Banks                                                                                                          90

                     Administrative Ministries                                                                90

                     Impact of microcredit disbursement on poverty                             92

                     Savings and microcredit disbursement                                           92

                     Revenue, expenditure and microcredit disbursement                     93

                     Food and non-food Consumer Price Index                                    94

                     Investment and microcredit disbursement by MF-NGOs                94

                     Poverty picture based on CBN method                                           95

                     Women empowerment                                                                   97

                     Employment                                                                                   97

                     Regression analysis of microcredit disbursement                              

                     with per capita GDP at current price                                               99


Chapter 7 : Concluding Remarks

                     Findings                                                                                        102

                     Recommendation                                                                         103       

                     Conclusion                                                                                   104



Appendix A                                                                                                      106

Appendix B                                                                                                       114


Reference                                                                                                          116