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Books     Social Sciences     Local Governance in Bangladesh Policy and Strategy Framework
Local Governance in Bangladesh Policy and Strategy Framework

Written By : 0

Book Code : 978-984-911

Price : 500


Tables and Figures                                                                                        ix

Abbreviations and Acronyms                                                                       x

Foreword                                                                                                        xi

Preface                                                                                                          xii

Overview                                                                                                      xv


Chapter 1: Introduction                                                                            19

The Context and Purpose                                                                            19

Theoretical Perspective                                                                                20

Specific Objectives                                                                                      23

Study Methodology                                                                                     24

Arrangement of the Script                                                                           26


Chapter 2: SWOT Analysis                                                                       29

Internal Analysis                                                                                          29

External Analysis                                                                                         32

SWOT Perspective to the Policy                                                                36


Chapter 3: Force-field Analysis                                                               39

Stakeholder and Force-field Matrices                                                         39

Analysis of Key Forces                                                                               43

Summary of Matrices                                                                                   44


Chapter 4: Local Governance in Bangladesh                                        47 

Interface of Local Government and Local Governance                            48

Local Governance Scenario in Bangladesh                                               51

Some Critical Issues and Concerns                                                            54

Policy and Constitutional Assurance                                                         58


Chapter 5: Proposed Local Governance Policy                                     61

Proposed Policy                                                                                           62

Policy Framework                                                                                        67



Chapter 6: Proposed Policy Implementation Strategy                         73

Factors to be Considered                                                                             73

Responsible Parties for Policy Implementation                                         76

Strategic Policy Implementation Plan                                                        76

Time-bound Activities and Tasks                                                               78

Executing Implementation Plan and Compliance Monitoring                 78


Chapter 7: Conclusion                                                                               81


Bibliographical References                                                                       85



Annex 1: How to Frame the Policy Advocacy Strategy                           91

Annex 2: Advocacy Strategy for Policy Approval                                    93

Annex 3: Policy Implementation Action Plan                                           96

Annex 4: List of Persons In-depth Interviewed                                       100


Glossary                                                                                                     101

