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Books     Social Sciences     Bangladesh Revisited A Comprehensive Study of an Asian Nation
Bangladesh Revisited A Comprehensive Study of an Asian Nation

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Book Code : 978-984-33-

Price : 550

Part I Historical Background                                                                   19

1    Historical Roots: From Ancient to Modern Bangladesh                21

      Introduction                                                                                            21

      Macro Analysis of Sub-Continent                                                        21

      Micro Analysis of the Historical Roots of Bangladesh                       32

      The Birth of Bangladesh                                                                        45

      Conclusion                                                                                             45

2    Linguistic Nationalism and the Emergence of Bangladesh           47

      Introduction                                                                                            47

      Theoretical Analysis of Political Ideologies                                        48

      The Political Ideology of Pakistan                                                        50

      Emergence of Language-Based Bengali Nationalism                         54

      The Blood Stained History of Bengali Nationalism                            56

      Bengali Nationalism: Replacing Islamic Ideology?                            57

      Conclusion                                                                                             60

Part II Politics, Administration and Foreign Policy                             63

3    Politics, Values and Development                                                      65

      Introduction                                                                                            65

      Understanding Values and Identity                                                      65

      The Theory of Values in Politics                                                          73

      Determinants of Political Development                                               80

      Politics, Values and Bangladesh                                                           83

      The Remaking of Bangladesh’s Identity                                              87

      Conclusion                                                                                             91

4    Journey to Democracy: Towards A Snail’s Pace?                           93

      Introduction                                                                                            93

      Democracy: Conceptual Analysis                                                        94

      Crisscross of Bangladesh’s Democracy                                               97

      Democracy in Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities              100

      Path towards Sustainable Democracy                                                105

      Conclusion                                                                                           108

5    Symbiosis between Power Politics and Administration               109

      Introduction                                                                                          109

      Power, Politics and Political Administration: Theoretical Aspects 110

      Political Implications of Power                                                           115

      Symbiosis between Power and Politics in Bangladesh                     125

      Conclusion                                                                                           135

6     Good Governance through Administrative Decentralization    137

       Introduction                                                                                        137

       Local Government and Decentralization: Conceptual Analysis     138

       Local Government System in Bangladesh:

       Genesis and Development                                                                 144

       Various Forms of Decentralization                                                   153

       Towards a Viable Decentralization Paradigm for Bangladesh        156

       Conclusion                                                                                          161

7     Recruitment Strategy under Public Service Commission          163

       Introduction                                                                                        163

       The Concept of Recruitment                                                              164

       A Profile of Bangladesh Public Service Commission                     165

       Recruitment Policies of PSC                                                             168

       Problems of Recruitment System                                                      171

       Overcoming the Problems: Measures and Recommendations        174

       Conclusion                                                                                          176

8     Economic Diplomacy: The Vehicle of Foreign Policy                 177

       Introduction                                                                                        177

       Economic Diplomacy and Foreign Policy: The Conceptual Issues 178

       Economic Diplomacy: Rationale and Significance                         185

       Economic Diplomacy: Strategies for the Twenty First Century     195

       Concluding Remarks                                                                          205

Part III: Economics and Development                                                 207

9     Bangladesh Economy: Achievements and Impediments           209

       Introduction                                                                                        209

       Structure of the Economy of Bangladesh                                         209

       GDP Growth Trend                                                                            210

       Savings and Investment                                                                     214

       Aid Dependency and Domestic Resource Mobilization                 215

       Foreign Trade                                                                                      218

       Major Impediments and Measures to Overcome                              220

       Conclusion                                                                                          223

10   Agriculture: the Nucleus of Bangladesh’s Economy                   225

       Introduction                                                                                        225

       Agriculture and Development: Theoretical Foundation                  226

       The Rural Development Strategy through Agriculture                    230

       An Overview of Bangladesh Agriculture                                         232

       Constraints and Opportunities                                                           236

       Measures to overcome the Problems and How to                            243

       Realize the Potentials

       Conclusion                                                                                          247

11   Industrialization: Policies and Performance                               249

        Introduction                                                                                        249

        Conceptual Analysis                                                                          249

        Industrialization in Developed Countries: History and Reasons   251

        Industrialization of LDCs: Effective Strategies                               253

        Industrialization in Bangladesh: Policies and Performance           257

        Overhauling and Evaluating the Industrialization Process             268

        Conclusion                                                                                         274

12   Privatization in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects              275

        Introduction                                                                                        275

        Understanding Privatization                                                              275

        The Privatization Debate                                                                   277

        Privatization in Bangladesh                                                              283

        Challenges and Opportunities of Privatization                                289

        Conclusion                                                                                         293

13   Challenges of Rural Development                                                 295

        Introduction                                                                                        295

        Conceptual Issues                                                                              295

        Historical Review of Rural Development Initiatives                      297

        Rural Development Activities                                                           300

        Evaluation of Rural Development Activities                                   304

        Rural Development in Bangladesh: Constraints and                            

        Recommendations                                                                              307

        Concluding Remarks                                                                         311

14   Democracy and Economic Growth: Theoretical

        Challenges and Implementation                                                    313

        Introduction                                                                                        313

        Methodology and Analytical Framework                                        313

        The Linkage between Democracy and Growth:                                    

        Theoretical Challenges                                                                      314

        Democracy and Growth: The Case of Bangladesh                          317

        Conclusion and Recommendations                                                  323

15   Sustainomics as a Framework for Sustainable Development:

        Relevance for Bangladesh                                                                 325

        Introduction                                                                                        325

        Sustainomics Framework: Conceptual Analysis                             326

        Sustainomics: The Core Values                                                        331

        Sustainomics: Relevance for Bangladesh                                        335

        Synthesizing Development Strategies within

        Sustainomics Framework                                                                  340

        Conclusion                                                                                         346

Part IV Society, Ethnicity and NGOs                                                   349

16   Social Development in Bangladesh: State of

       Poverty Alleviation                                                                           351

       Introduction                                                                                        351

       Poverty Alleviation: Government and Non-Government Programs   351

       Poverty Alleviation Programs: An Evaluation                                 360

       Conclusion: Issues and Challenges of Poverty Alleviation            367

17   Education in Bangladesh: Structure, Models and Perspectivs 369

       Introduction                                                                                        369

       Theory of Education and its Development Linkages                      370

       The Structure and Strategies of Education                                       373

       The State of Education                                                                       378

       The Madrasah Education                                                                   385

       Issues and Challenges Facing Bangladesh Education                     391

       Conclusion                                                                                          395

18   Searching a Gender Sensitized WID Paradigm: Withering

       Gender Asymmetry?                                                                        397

       Introduction                                                                                        397

       Theoretical Framework: Conceptualizing WID

       Paradigm for Bangladesh                                                                   398

       Gender Asymmetry in Development: Social, Economic and

       Political Aspects                                                                                 402

       Issues and Challenges Responsible for Gender Discrimination     412

       Withering Gender Asymmetry: Major Recommendations              420

       Conclusion                                                                                          423

19   Human Resources Development: Beyond Western Paradigm? 425

       Introduction                                                                                        425

       The Conceptual Framework                                                              425

       Devising a Non-Western HRD Paradigm                                         429

       Human Resources Development in Bangladesh within Islamic

       Framework: Constraints and Opportunities                                     435

       Recommendations towards HRD in Islamic Perspective                440

       Conclusion                                                                                          441

20   Ethnic People and their Predicament                                            443

       Introduction                                                                                        443

       An Overview of the Ethnic People of Bangladesh                          444

       Socio-Demographic Profile                                                               448

       Economic Predicament of the Households Surveyed                      453

        Education of Ethnic Community                                                      461

        Housing Sector                                                                                   463

        Health and Sanitation                                                                         463

        Conclusion and Recommendations                                           467

21    People Managed Credit through NGOs: State of the

        Art and Looking Beyond                                                                469

        Introduction                                                                                       469

        Concepts and Ideas                                                                           470

        Operationalization of People Managed Credit                                472

        Institutional Aspects of People Managed Credit                            493

        Assessing People Managed Credit                                                   496

        Sustainable Strategies of PMC                                                         500

          Conclusion and Recommendations